Broke but Make it Bougie (BTS)


Broke but Make it Bougie

“ ‘Broke But Make It Bougie’ is a stylized film and coffee table book purposed to amplify the dreamer in the direction of purpose and abundance regardless of their circumstances.

The work centers around a woman who’s battling between chasing after things intentionally versus aimlessly. We explore her thought process and dream world to reach the conclusion: it’s about investing in your true self where you find abundance.

Based originally on my IG blog that I created in 2019 to encourage creatives who are tired of “faking it ‘til they make it”, and rather be transparent with their come up story. Inspired by living my own life driven through faith, and staying true to living a “broke, but making it bougie” lifestyle. BBMIB’s purpose is to simply to inspire, uplift, and highlight other young creatives in their journey.”

- Noahamin Taye (Director)

Photography: Hanna Leka